How to format a date

Meringue datetime formatting relies on ISO8601 standard. It simply mirrors the behavior of built-in php date function. You might ask why on Earth I did this if no new features are introduced. The intention is that I personally didn’t want to derail from a customary set of abstractions. It feels natural to work with ISO8601DateTime objects across-the-board. I’d like to obtain its value only when I need to output it: either for a stdout, or for a database. If I used a date function, I’d need to invoke a ISO8601DateTime’s value() method each time. I wanted to avoid it, so here is how my code looks like:

(new ISO8601Formatted(
    new FromISO8601('2017-07-03T14:27:39+04:30'),
    'l jS'
    ->value(); // returns Monday 3rd

Object composition just looks more neatly to my taste. It adds uniformity.